Kyi Maung's pig
Pig & dog have sunglasses this year :-)
Yangon's gathering of 35 and more
Happy New Year 2014 from some classmates. Yangon hold some gatherings at year-end 2013, one after another.
Some from US and other countries could join.
Aung Khine, THein Htay, Htun Myint Latt, Jalin? from US, Myo Zin Nyunt form Nemebia, Htay Lwin from Japan, San San Oo from UK,
Moe Kyaw Thu from Singapore, etc.joined the gatherings.
More photos can be viewed on IM (1) of 1986 Face book page
35 classmates joined on Dec 28
Click here for bigger photo - bigger photo
Thein Htay, Moe Kyaw Thu gathering on Dec 24.
Sid Naing talked to Irrawaddy interviewed with Dr. Sid Naing (Country Director, Marie Stopes International Myanmar)
on November 25, 2013.
Please see detailed interview at the link Dr. Sid Naing interview
Dr. Sid Naing (Marie Stopes International Myanmar)