Bulletin Board 2011 & 2012
Saw Naung Passed away
Dear Classmates,
It is with great sorrow and disbelief to inform you, if not been
already, that our friend from class of 86 of IM-1, Saw Naung,
professor and head of the renal medicine and dialysis unit of Mandalay
general hospital passed away in the morning of today, Saturday 22nd
He served as an examiner in a mock exam for the defense
service medical academy in Yangon only a few days ago, and was seeing
patients in Mandalay till yesterday evening. But he couldn't make it
to chair a cme session this morning as he suffered heart failure.
He is survived by his wife Dr Yee Yee Naing, a chest physician in
Yangon general hospital.
We all pray for his soul with deepest sympathy for the
family and sincere condolences. We know he will join singing with Thant Zin somewhere upthere...
With heartfelt condolences,
IM (1) of 1986
Thin Thin Yee Passed away
We are so sorry to inform that our classmate Thin Thin Yee
passed away on Jan 17, 2012 evening at Haematology department, Yangon General Hospital.
All of our classmates are deeply saddened by this tragedy about Thin Thin Yee's untimely demise. Thin Thin Yee was suffering from Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and lost the battle fighting back complications after surgery. Thanks a lot for classmates helping hands during her battle.
All of our classmates' prayers will be with surviving family members. We wish she may rest in
peace. We will always remember her wonderful smile..
With heartfelt condolences,
IM (1) of 1986
Nay Win Maung Passed away
We are so sorry to inform that our classmate Nay Win Maung suddenly
passed away on Jan 1, 2012 with heart failure.
All of our classmates are deeply saddened by this shocking news about Nay Win Maung's untimely demise. Nay Win Maung was founder and CEO of Living Color and The Voice Weekly Journal, founder and General Secretary of Myanmar Egress and Peace-mediator. All of our classmates' prayers will be with
surviving family members Daw Win Kalyar Swe (wife) and four daughters (Kamar Maung, Sandy Maung, Eaindra Maung & Nandi Aung).
With heartfelt condolences,
IM (1) of 1986
Reunion successful
IM (1) of 1986 25th Anniversary reunion and 2nd SayaKadaw Pwe was successfully completed on December 18, 2011 in Yangon. Please see some photos of event below.
130 classmates reunited at the event and 84 teachers attended.
More wonderful photos and detailed teacher list & classmate list will be posted pretty soon...
Moe Kyaw Thu
Thet Khine Win
130 classmates
Last meeting
Last meeting before Saya Kandaw Pwe was held on Dec 11, 2011 at Thai Kitchen as usual. Moe Kyaw Thu arrived from Singapore and hosted that lunch for all.
Htay Lwin also arrived from Japan and attended the meeting. Sabai & Khin Khin Yee will arrive from Singapore pretty soon.
Jalin & Robert already in country and busy with BBHC activities. San San Oo (UK), Thi Han (AU), Win Wah Kyu & husband (US) and many many more will join the event.
Khine Than collected a lot from high bosses. This time, Win Myint (Win Pu) will beat everybody with 1,500,000 kyats donation. Zaw Tun & Maung Maung Aye
will donate 1,000,000 kyats each.
Master of ceremony at morning will be Moe Kyaw Thu. Opening and thanking teachers will be Thet Khine Win. Leading pray words will be issued by Kyaw zin Wai.
Menu for lunch is changed from Bean rice to Butter rice from Champion as we got more donation from classmates.
Presents for teachers (Chocolate powder, Dennis buscuit box, Tang orange powder, embroidered towel) are arranged by Aye Aye Htwe and Hnin Hnin Yu.
Grand Master of Ceremony for Dinner will be Khine Than. He already arranged 2 barrels of beer for dinner event. Aye Aye Myint is planning Lucky draw for classmates at dinner (No blank).
Big prizes are EVD player, rice cooker, etc. and some funny prizes from her factory.
Khine Than planning to order Beer barrels for dinner when Thet Khine Win parcticing Opening speech for morning ceremony.
Khin Shwe, Aung Min, Kyaw Zin Wai chatting and in back ground Maung Maung Kyaw, Moe Kyaw Thu & Htay Lwin are talking.
Official invitation
Class of IM(1) of 1986, 25th Anniversary reunion & Saya Kandaw Pwe invitation are officially sending out. Thanks to classmates leaders who are sending to our teachers with respectful cover letters.
Please thanks to Yangon organizers Aye Aye Myint, Khine Than and many others to help
out each others in many areas to make the event happens.
Invitation to teaches for morning Kandaw Pwe ceremony
Invitation to classmates for morning ceremony and evening dinner
Congratulation Moe Kyaw Thu
Congratulation to Moe Kyaw Thu who was elected and awarded FAHA (Fellow of American Heart Association). It is the most prestigious award for a cardiovascular scientist like him.
Moe Kyaw Thu went to Orlando, Florida received the award.
Moe Kyaw Thu attened FAHA award ceremony in Orlando, Florida.
Moe Kyaw Thu at NHCS (National Heart Centre Singapore)
Birthday cakes
Birthday cakes celebration for some classmates kids
Honey Khin Thin Thin daughter Luke kat's brithday cake
Maung Maung Myo kids birthday cake
Tin Tin Nwe - no cake
Classmates family photos
Some classmates family still in country & go to pagoda. Some settle down in Taiwan. Some making Sushi in Little rock, Arkansas. Some visited to China & see old ancestors :-)
Saw Win Aung family in Myanmar
Myo Myint & Than Than Myint family in Taiwan
Khin Maung Htwe & Tin Tain Wai family in US
Than Tun Aung family visited to Great wall, China
Khine Than's plan
Yangon committee had a tuning up meeting for Saya Kandaw Pwe at Thai Kitchen restaurant hosted by Khine Than and Ngwe Soe. Saw Min Naing, Khin Shwe, S.J Lwin,
Sik Khin, Win Lwin, Soe Min (Bamar) also attended to the "Bald contest". Hnin Hnin Yu, Ah Mar Kyi, Hnit Hnit, Yin Yin Than, Tint Tint Kyi (fortunately come back from Pha-An) and Aye Aye Myint (as usual) attended.
Saya Kadaw Pwe date is confirmed at 18th Dec 2011 9:00AM at MMA Hall. Bean rice with chicken curry order from nearby Seik Taing Kya and ice cream will serve too. Dinner will be at Tin Tun's Lion City restuaurant on the same day evening 6:00 PM. Hope most classmates can make it.
Khine Than & Ngwe Soe planning to raise at least 10 millions within a week collecting from remaining big bosses.
Aye Aye Myint - no 10 millions, no peanuts for you.
Tint Tint Kyi - do you want poem for this?
Sydney reunion
There will be very very "Senior" Burmese doctors reunion in Sydney. Please check out their
web link at http://bmdreunionsydney.com/
They call it as "Burmese Medical and Dental Graduates Global Reunion - Sydney 2012"
6th - 9th April 2012 (Easter Holidays)
Better Burmese Health Care
Dear friends of BBHC,
It is with great pleasure that we announce our 6th anniversary since the doors of our very first clinic opened in Toe Kyaungalay, Rangoon (Yangon).
We have gone through many trials and tribulations as a small grassroots organization. These include a savage cyclone, day to day challenges in a politically closed system unfriendly to outside help, understanding the underlying psyche, emotions of not only the patients but also the caregivers, challenges of capacity building for the doctors brought up in a training/education system fraught with deficiencies, that have shaped us into who we are today - an enduring and empowered group of healthcare group that truly provides for and is provided by the local community.
Our most recent report is attached. Please also visit our website at
Your generous donations have helped and will continue to help funding our efforts to improve better healthcare and education in Burma (Myanmar). Our work would not have been possible without your belief in us and our efforts to improve the lives of many.
Best wishes from snowy NY,
Jalin, Robert and the BBHC staff.
Jalin Sama
Sama Jalin's Better Burmese Health Care organization is doing Fundraiser and Art show event on Nov 17, 2011 in Baltimore, MD. Please see details at facebook page
J Lwin Full Moon
Saya Kandaw Pwe date is confirmed as Dec 18, 2011. We hope most of classmates around the world can meet and enjoy.
S.J Lwin family offered lunch at his home for Full Moon day. Saw Min Naing, Sik Khin,
Soe Min (Bamar), Khine Than and Aye Aye Myint attended. You can see 2 beautiful daughters of J Lwin.
Soe Min is writing articles in healthcare care journal as Soe Min Oo (Si Pin).
Health care journal address is http://mandalaygazette.com/
S.J Lwin and his 2 beautiful daughters.
J Lwin, Saw Min Naing, Aye Aye Myint, Sit Khin, Soe Min (Bamar)
Khine Than arrives.
More classmates family
More classmates family photos from around the world.
Mie Mie, Danny Lin & Nolan in New Jersy.
Soe Paing, Dr. Nu Nu Swe & Soe Thida.
Theim Kyaw, Myo Myo Yu, Kaung Kyaw & Thu Thu Theim Kyaw.
Thai Kitchen again
Please inform Yangon Commiiite for your Saya Kandaw Pwe preference date, Dec 18 or Dec 25 or before or after, so Yangon Committed can make proper arrangement
per majority requests.
Yangon Committee met for Saya Kadaw Pwe at Thai Kitchen on September 18 evening. Htay Lwin from Japan attended the meeting. Regulars are
Khine Than, Aung Min, Hnin Hnin Yu, Hnit Hnit, Yin Yin Than, Ah Mar Kyi and Aye Aye Myint. Sid Naing and Honey could not attend.
Saya Kandaw Pwe donation list is up to date except some in Sid Naing's hand.
Thanks for all classmates who generously donated & supports from far and near. Hope eveyone can make it to the event.
Aung Min: "all food are gone. let's order some beer!"
Khine Than: "I hope Htay Lwin is not contaminated with nuclear thing..."
Htay Lwin: "I am so happy to away from earthquake zone for a while :-)"
Ah Mar Kyi: "Can I go home now..."
Hnit Hnit: "Ma Myint eats eveything. she left only one Samosa for me :-("
Aye Aye Myint: "I am so happy not a lot fo people show up today. Otherwise, if they eat a lot, I have to go to Myawaddi bank to withdraw money :-)"
Yin Yin Than: "I should watch my weight & should not eat those egg rolls..."
Hnin Hnin Yu: "Actually those egg rolls are not very good :-("
More classmates family
More classmates family photos from around the world.
Tin Aung, Daw Than Than, Ma Thin Zar Aung (elder daugther) and younger children Khin Thin Zar Thin & Kyaw Si Thu Htwe (twin) in Taiwan. All have very long names.
Kay Thi Tun and family in singapore
Nyunt Naing and Pattinee in Ethiopia. (visiting from Thailand)
All classmates and families in US East Coast - Please be safe from Hurricane Irene,
we all pray together for eveyone.
Married with children
Most classmates are married with a lot of childern. Some got twins in LA. Some enjoying at Big Apple & some settle down in Singapore. Some stay in Wah Kei Ma & finally got a boy.
Lay Myint Htun, Dr. Than Than Nwe, identical Twin Boys Kelvin Tun & William Tun
Tun Aung, Aye Aye Yi, Thandar Tun Aung, Maung Nyan Sithu Tun & Maung Ye Min Heing
Ma Ma Gyi, Win Maw, Ma Ma Maw & Shwe Sin Phyo Wai in Singapore
Thet Shay big family. All the girls with finally one boy standing on the chair.
Date confirmed
Khin Thynn Thynn confirmed that Saya Kandaw Pwe date is Sunday Dec 18, 2011.
She is making some arrangement with MMA for morning ceremony. Hope most of classmates will
make to that confirmed date.
Donation please
Please Donate now
Thanks for some classmates who generously sent Donation money with various channels. Below is regional contact info to send your contribution if you have not done so. Thanks in advance for all your supports. Please click on
uptodate donation list to view
donation received so far.
Yangon group had monthly meeting at Thai Kitchen on July 24. Only four ladies attended. Honey, Aye Aye Htwe, Hnit Hnit and Aye Aye Myint as usual.
Classmates data already received about 160 profile forms in paper and about 20 through e-mail. Please send your updated info & family photos if you have not done so.
Hnin Hnin Yu and Khin Thynn Thynn asking all classmates for Saya Kandaw Pwe date preference (Dec 18 or Dec 25) for all classmates family vacation
travel convenience, etc. Please inform them your preference date so they can arrange with MMA for morning ceremony.
Classmates family photos
Classmates family photos and classmates data are still pouring in. If you have not done so,
please send your family beatuiful smiles and updated contact information to Yangon group for new Yearbook publication
Kyaw Lin, Kyi Kyi Htay & Kyi Suu Thar
Nay Lin Oo, Dr. Khin Thida & Bhone Lin Hein (M.B.B.S Part I)
Roland Boey, Khin Than Myint, Christopher Boey & Timothy Boey
Tin May Than, Dr.Joseph Sai Sone, Stephen, Peter, Raphael & Michael
Updated news:
Saw Naung come back from India for his liver transplant and healthy with new liver now.
Myint Myint Nyein will be head of IM(1) Patho soon.
Cho Cho Nyunt will be head of IM (Magwe) Patho soon.
IM (1) of 1986 would like to say deep condolence for Roland Boey mother passed away in Yangon.
All our former classmates & family prayers will be with Roland & Khin Than Myint family.
Nyi Nyi Nyunt attended
We did another meeting for Saya Kandawpwe and reunion at Thai Kitchen on 26th June 4PM.
Ni Ni Nyunt from Pakistan also attended our meeting.
Khine Than, Sid Naing, Aung Min, Ko Ko Oo, Ohn Than, Aye Aye Tint, Aye Aye Htwe, Hnin Hnin Yu,
Ni Ni Nyunt, Hnit Hnit, Aye Aye Myint and Honey participated.
We got more data and some contributions. We have put advertisement about our plan in newspaper, Health Digest and The Voice journals.
We decided the deadline of data collecting at end of August and to start collecting contributions by group during July and August.
Ko Ko Oo, Hnin Hnin Yu, Nyi Nyi Nyunt & Hnit Hnit
Sid Naing, Aye Aye Tint, Aye Aye Htwe, Ko Ko Oo
Ohn Than & Aung Min
Advertisement in Health Digest and The Voice journals
Advertisement in Newspaper
Last call
Yangon group is requesting your data ASAP for new yearbook. They are willing to wait until end of this month.
Yangon gropu will will start collecting donation in end of June.
Classmates couples
Below are latest photos of our classmates couples.
Oo Ko & Mie Mie Aung
Htay Lwin & Rakhine Soe Min (nice couple :-)
Nora Khin Win Tee, Tim Hla Wynn Wong, Chris Kyaw Soe Hein Wong &
Kristine Yee Htet Htet Han Wong. (Whoo! long names :-)
Thai Kitchen
Yangon organizers had 5th meeting for reunion at Thai Kitchen restaurant on 10th April 3:00PM.
Thet Khine Win, Sid Naing, Soe Paing, Ohn Than, Aung Thura, Aung Min, Honey, Hnin Hnin Yu,
Aye Aye Myint, Hnit Hnit, Yin Yin Than, Ah Mar Kyi and Aye Aye Yi (just arrived from US) attended.
Group had collected profile forms from 42 friends and nearly 50 from in land are coming soon
(form were already distributed and they are reluctant to take the recent photos, may be thinking
how to hide the wrinkles)
Please continue supporting by sending your updated information & photos if
you have not done so. New Year book will publish very soon. Donaion collection for Saya Kandaw Pwe
will be kicked off soon.
Hnit Hnit (no daughter this time), Aye Aye Myint & Hnin Hnin Yu collecting forms.
Honey & Yin Yin Than
Sid Naing, Soe Paing, Ohn Than, Aung Min & Aung Thura.
Aye Aye Yi (no daughter & no Tun Aung) just arrived from U.S.
Our Next generation
Admit it. We are old. Let's face to reality. We are old.
Next generation of IM (1) of 1986 classmates are grown up & they will shape the world.
We have to sit back in sideline and cheer for their success.
Hnit Hnit & daughter. Pretty girl following Mommy footstep :-)
Ngwe Soe & son. Handsome boy not following Daddy footstep :-)
Honey & daughter. Where she gets degree? (from Daddy :-)
Aung Min & daughter. Like father like son (sorry like daughter :-)
4th meeting
Yangon group did 4th meeting for Saya Kataw pwe and reunion at Kan Taw min Shwe Be restaurant
on 19th March noon. Ko Ko Oo, Khin Shwe, Saw Thein, Soe Min (Bamar), Win Thein, Win Lwin,
Soe Paing, Sid Naing, Khine Than, Aung Min ,Kyaw Shwe, Honey, Hnit Hnit, Hnin Hnin Yu,
Mie Mie Aung and Aye Aye Myint attended.
Some gave their profile and family photo, old passport photo, old group photo from trip.
Group discussed the book size, color, display, etc.
Next meeting will be on 10th April 2PM at M3 Food Centre.(Tea Party)
4th meeting means 4th cup of beer for Khine Than :-)
Win Lwin, Khin Shwe, Ko Ko Oo, & Sid Naing
Ohn Than & Soe Min (Bamar)
Hnin Hnin Yu, Mie Mie Aung
Classmates database
IM (1) of 1986 event committee decided to go ahead for Saya Kandaw Pwe and Silver anniversary reunion dinner in December, 2011. We start collecting classmate contact information data to get recent addresses & contact numbers.
Please send us your information and recent family photos. Then we will make new Year book hard copy to distribute at the union dinner.
Please click on below form to download Classmates information entry form and fill out/send back to im1of1986@gmail.com
You can also send your information form/photos directly to Yangon committee of below email addresses.
ayeayemyint1802@gmail.com - Aye Aye Myint
sidnaing@googlemail.com - Sid Naing
honeyktt@gmail.com - Khin Thin Thin
Reno, Nevada Vs Lotung, Taiwan
In February, still snowing in Reno but beutiful flowers blossom in Lotung, Taiwan.
Reno sparks, Nevada, U.S
Reno sparks, Nevada, U.S
Myo Myint & Than Than Myint in Lotung, Taiwan
talking continues, lists are out
Honey: "Tint Tint Kyi, Please do not fall sleep when I am talking"
Hhin Hhin Yu: "No, she is just doing meditation"
We did a second meeting on 27th Jan 2011 at Sabai Sabai. We only 6 can
meet. Other are busy. This time sponsor is Honey. We edited the format for
new profile. I attached teacher list of senior class and our previous list used last
time. Please advice us the teacher list.
Next meeting is on Union day Saturday morning 9:00AM.
Tentative place is Thai Kitchen.
Aye Aye Myint
Tint Tint Kyi: "OK, I am done. Heay Everyone, How do you like my new poem?"
Honey: "Everyone want to take home doggy bag?"
Myo Zin Nyunt: "Only watercrest are left, they ate all the meats.."
Aung Ming: "I can't believe I ate all that tasteless ice cream.."
Teacher list of senior class
Our previous list used last time
Silver Anniversary
Yangon group started to organize for Saya Kadaw Pwe and reunion as Silver Anniversary.
First meeting for Saya Kataw Pwe and reunion held at Taw Win Hnin Si restaurant.
Prof. Thet Khine Win hosted the breakfast for everyone. Htay Lwin from Japan
and Sabai Phyu from Singapore also attend the meeting.
Yangon group chose Dec 18th, 2011. Sunday for Saya Kataw Pwe at MMA building
in the morning and Reunion dinnet at Lion City restaurnt in the evening. Tentative teachers
are about 125.
Sid Naing and Khine Than will format a new form for update profile.
Next meeting will be held on Jan 27th 6:30PM Sabai Sabai restaurant.
Silver planning/talking
Htay Lwin: "Honey, how are the kids?"
Honey: "They are big, how is Japan? cold?, any earthquake?"
Hhin Hhin Yu: "Sabai, do you need tissue?"
Sabai "Yes, and those tea are cold."
Talking & planning are just began. We need co-ordination and helps from all of classmates
around the world. Especially, of course, donations :-) This time Min Thwe, Min Wai Latt, Khin Maung Htwe and Tin Tin wai are outside country. Ko Hla Aung and Tint Tint Kyi are outside Yangon.
The plan is to deliver a new Year Book with update informations.
Please send your update photos and update data to Yangon group. (Honey, Aye Aye Myint, Khine Than, Sid Naing or Ah Mar Kyi) You can email information/photos to
im1of1986@gmail.com also.
We are hoping huge turn out this time with all friends from outside Myanmar can come back and enjoy together.
Saw Thein: "Sid Naing, why don't you save me a seat?"
Aung Min: "Can we order Beer?"
Mg Mg Kyaw: "No, this is tea shop."
Ma Myint: "12,000K+8,900K+3,200K = 454,23K???"
Khine Than: "Where is Oo Ko?"
Mi Mi Aung: "I have no idea, to find him is like catching air!"
Thi Han & Myo Gyi
Thi Han & Myo Zin Nyunt visited back Yangon to enjoy New Year with old friends.
Thi Han singing.
sid Naing, Mya Win, Aung Min, Thi Han, Hla Myint, Myo Zin Nyunt, Kyaw Lin, Ko Ko Oo, Win Maw Htun, Thet Khine Win, Than Oo, Soe Paing
Some dirnk beer but some drink coke.
Aung Kyaw visit
Aung Kyaw from Taiwan came back Yangon from December 31 to January 7 and he hosted a dinner to friends at Kan Taw Min Shwe Bae restaurant. After dinner Aung Kyaw & friends went visit to Aye Aye Thwin's home.
back: Saw Min Naing, Aung Thura, Ohn Than, Sit Khin, Aung Kyaw, S.J Lwin
front: Aye Aye Myint, Ah Mar Kyi, Mi Mi Aung & Oo Ko, Aung Min
Aung Thura, Aung Kyaw, S J Lwin
S J Lwin, Sit Khin, Oo Ko
Ah Mar Kyi, Mi Mi Aung, Saw Min Naing
Aung Kyaw visited Aye Aye Thwin home
Ah Mar Kyi, Ma Mying & Aung Thura also
Aung Min and
Ohn Than also
LA gathering
LA classmates gathered on 12/27/2010 at Fu Shing Chinese restaurant.
LA gathering
back: Aye Aye Thant, Khin Ma Gyi, Nyun Nyun Soe
front: Ma Khin Hla, San San, Tin Tin Wai, Mar Lar Oo, Ma Khin Win, Aung Khine, Khin Maung Htwe, Win Aung
Khin Maung Htwe & Aung Khine
Ma Khin Win & husband
Too muchh food to handle
Khin Maung Htwe + his 2 kids & Aung Khine + his 3 kids :-)
Happy New Year from Sandi & Henry
Sandi & Henry New Year 2011 greeting.
Please click the link to play
Youtube video
Happy New Year from Julius & Jasmine
Happy New Year from Ariella, Alex & Winn
Than Tun Aung, Mi Mi & family at Rakhine in Nov, 2010.
Than Tun Aung family, relatives & Aye Aye Myint in Yangon.
too much food to handle.
New Year gathering in Yangon
Myo Zin Nyunt, Thi Han, Naing Thu & family, Jalin & Robert also visited back Yangon for
New Year celebration. They met with old classmates.
Myo Zin Nyunt & Thi Han met Sid Naing,
Shwe Tun Aung, Maung Maung Aye, Htin Paw and Soe Min.
Naing Thu, wife & 2 sons, Jalin & Robert met
Tin Tun, wife & 2 sons, Htin Paw, S.J. Lwin, Saw Min Naing, Kyine Than, Than Oo, Ngwe Soe,
Hla Hla Win, Pyone Pyone Sein & Hnin Hnin Yu.
Khine Than, Robert, Tun Tun, Naing Thu, Htin Paw.
Than Oo, Saw Min Naing, Ngwe Soe,Khine Than, Robert.
Jalin & girls.
Yangon Classmates planning
Honey hosted a lunch at Sabai Sabai on 5th Nov 2010 and collect donations for Supportive
Group of Elderly Doctors. SGED also plan to do Day Care Center for elderly doctors.
Honey, Pyone Pyone Sein, Hnin Hnin Yu planning to help SGED.
Khine Than, Kyaw Zin Wai, Aye Aye Htwe discussing on one topic.
Khin Shwe, Thet Khine Win, Ko Ko Oo, Kyaw Zin Wai.
(again) Too much food to handle.
Aye Aye Thant, Tin Tin Wai, Khin Maung Htwe & Kyi Maung.
Aye Aye Thant, Tin Tin Wai, Khin Maung Htwe, Kyi Maung & Thin Thin Yee.
New York Gangs
New York Gangs photo found in Face book.
Kyone Khwim & Pe Thet Win
Kyone Khwim family &
Pe Thet Win family are at Tampa, Florida.
Wai Wai lives in Miami.
Kyone Khwim, Ohmar and Pe Thet, Mo Mo with two daughters.