Bulletin Board 2008
Win Myint & Khin San Win
Win Myint (tall one),
Khin San Win,
and Ryan visited to Disneyland, CA during November 2008 and met with LA area
Win Myint, Khin San Win and Ryan with Gooffie in Disneyland.
Back row: San San, Nyun Nyun Soe, Aye Aye Thant, Mar Lar Oo, Aung Khine, Win Myint & Thein Htay
Front row: Ma Khin Win, Ma Nu Khin, Hla Hla Yee, Ma Khin Hla & Khin San Win
Then everybody eating.
Tin Tun
Tin Tun photos.
Better Burmese Health Care effort
As you may all know, Sama Jalin and
Robert are helping Burmese Cyclone Nargis victims through their NGO
Better Burmese Health Care.
Myanmar recovery is so slow. Once the media attention had moved to somewhere else and
the world has forgotten Burma again. Burmese are still in desperate need of outside help.
To quote the report of MSF UK "Still living in an ocean of mud: Although it is now more
than three months after the cyclone, tens of thousands of people still have insufficient food
and only rudimentary shelter, not to mention terrible emotional burden of grief."
Please donate again directly to BBHC and spread the world. Here is some extract of Jalin's
email and some pictures extract from BBHC website.
Hi all,
Robert and I are heading back to Burma on Sep 7. I am attaching the June-July report that is posted on the BBHC website for your perusal. Since then I have sent 16,000$ to Rgn for fertilizers.
Of the remaining funds, 25,000 is a grant for our mobile clinic project so we have about 20,000$ left. There is an urgent need for fertilizers right now and I'm getting requests from farmers with the lists of acres of land that need fertilizers.
The last report I got had 4,000 acres. A bag of fertilizer is needed for an acre of land. One bag costs about 30$ which means the cost will be over 6 figures. I had to tell our ground person to make
the impossible task of selecting the few who are the neediest that we should support. Our remaining
fund could only cover about 700 acres.
Now you have an idea where I'm heading with this. Donor fatigue has already set in but the needs there still continue to grow. I am asking you to show your generosity that you've shown before and
Thank you all.
Best wishes,
for details, please visit http://www.betterburmesehealthcare.com/
Health Care
Water distribution
Khin Maung Htwe's visit
Khin Maung Htwe from Yangon
and Zaw Win from Chicago
visited to Los Angeles in July 2008 and met with some classmates.
Zaw Win & Khin Maung Htwe with LA area classmates.
Back row: Su Su Hlaine (Aung Khine's sister), Mar Lar Oo's son, Win Aung, Zaw Win,
Thein Htay, Khin Maung Htwe, Aung Khine with his Henry
Front row: Mar Lar Oo, San San, Nyun Nyun Soe, Ma Khin Win, Aye Aye Thant & Tin May Than
Than Than Yi's visit
Than Than Yi and her husband
Dr. Myint Swan (Junior class) from New Jersey visited to California in July 2008.
Than Than Yi & Dr. Myint Swan arrived to California with Air Force One.
Than Than Yi with Than Tun Aung & family at Redding, CA.
Than Than Yi with Thin Thin Aung & family at Yuba City, CA.
Than Than Yi with Kyi Maung & family at San Jose, CA.
Than Than Yi & Dr. Myint Swan waiting for their plane (Air Force One) to go home.
Shwe and 3Oo-s
I am sharing photos when I met my good old friends in Tokyo. Unfortunately Htray Lwin couldn't
make it to the meeting. We had a great time but very short. The girl at the corner is
my cousin sister.
My friends treated me with the best Japanes food! The best I've ever tasted. The credits
goes to Mrs. Myint Oo. I stuffed myself without leaving anything for the rest. I think
they managed to grab a little bit in between my mouthful.
San San Oo
Myint Oo, Than Oo, San San Oo & Tin Tin Win Shwe
Shwe and Oo go eat McDonald's.
Better Burmese Health Care
Sama Jalin and Robert
announce the birth of Better Burmese Health Care web page.
Congratulation Jalin and Robert.
for details, please visit http://www.betterburmesehealthcare.com/
It is a boy (finally)
Thet Shay's wife Po Po Lay gave
birth of baby boy at 6:00 AM on February 5, 2008.
They waited for a baby boy for a long long time. Their eldest daughter is now 12 years old as
they kept trying and getting 4 daughters one after another. This antepartum time, they did not dare to do Ultrasound because they were so afraid of another baby girl.
Februay 5 was last day before Chinese New year (Year of Rat). So, the boy is a small pig.
The family also wanted a baby pig, so Thet Shay and family are so happy now.
Their wishes are fulfill.
Both mother and baby are fine. Congratulation Thet Shay and family. Best wishes on bringing
more wealth from baby pig too.
Aye Aye Myint
Award winners
Win Maw Htun and
Moet Moet Tun
(both from Department of Medical Research) won Medals for "Lu Hmu Htoo Chun Third Grade".
in Myanmar. It was for their outstanding services in the social sector and it was announced
in daily newspapers on Independence Day (January 4, 2008).
We all so proud for their huge contributions to social sector development in Myanmar and
we congratulate to two of our classmates.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year wishes from
Kyi Maung
and family.
Kyi Maung family at snow trip.
Julius and Jasmine wishing you Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays wishes from
Aung Khine
and family.
Henry and Sandi sending you holiday wishes.
Panda gathering
Tin Tin Win Shwe (Japan),
San San Oo (UK),
Tun Myint Latt & family (Belgium)
visited Myanmar as usual and we met at Panda on December 4, 2007.
Tint Tint Kyi also arrived back from Pha-An for Part 2 exam as external examiner.
Khin Su Aye was transfered from Meikhtilar to Mingaladon and also attend the gathering.
On that night, Convocation dinner was held at IM (1) (the last dinner was done at 1987).
Now rector post of IM (1) is handed over from U Myo Myint to U Aye Maung Han.
Myint Myint Nyein did not go to Convocation dinner but joined us to meet friends.
(and more food :-)
Rakhine Soe Min also came to joun us. (Both Soe Min retired from Army and changed
to civil posts). Ko Ko Oo is working at AZG (NGO) as medical doctor.
Sid Naing, Aung Thura, Khine Than, Pyone Pyone Sein, Hnin Hnin Yu and Aye Aye Myint also attended.
Aye Aye Myint
Ma Myint greeting at Pyone Pyone Sein, Ko Ko Oo, Myint Myint Nyein & Tin Tin Win Shwe.
San San Oo at happy moment with Tun Myint Latt & Tint Tint Kyi.
Tin Tin Win Shwe, Myint Myint Nyein, Hnin Hnin Yu & Pyone Pyone Sein waiting for more food.
But more food go to San San Oo, Aung Thura & Khine Than table.
4 foreigners: San San Oo (UK), Ko Ko Oo (Holland - doctors without border),
Tun Myint Latt (Belgium) and Tin Tin Win Shwe (Japan).
Back row: Aung Thura, Rakhine Soe Min, Tun Myint Latt, Tint Tint Kyi, San San Oo,
Pyone Pyone Sein, Hnin Hnin Yu, Khin Su Aye and Aye Aye Myint.
Front row: Sid Naing, Khine Than, Tin Tin Win Shwe, Ko Ko Oo and Myint Myint Nyein.
Some updates from Sid Naing
- Win Thein's mother passed away in November 2007.
- Ma San Myint is now the Deputy State Health Director in Myitkyina, Kachin State.
- Si Si Tun (after obtaining MRCP and coming back from UK) is now the Consultant Physician at the 300-bedded General Hospital in Nay Pyi Taw the capital so she is the real 'Royal' physician.
- Soe Paing has been transferred to Monywa General Hospital since October 2007 as
a general surgeon. His only daughter is now a student in University of Medicine (1), Yangon.
- S J Lwin is in Insein General Hospital as the consultant Ophthalmologist for some time.
- In Bago, Thin Thin Yee (Baby) is an Assistant Director with TB control programme.
She is also a prestigious delegate in the national convention in Nyaung-hna-pin
while Yee Yee is the senior consultant physician at the General Hospital there.
- Win Maw Tun has become the head of the Bacteriology department in Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) in Yangon.
- Win Maung (Ko Maung) is now a Project Manager based in Mawlamyine, Mon State, with the International Organization for Mobility--an international organization under the UN system.
- Tint Tint Kyi is now the Senior Consultant Physician in Hpa-an General Hospital in
Karen State.
- Ko Ko Oo is with Médecins Sans Frontières - Holland (doctors without border) in Yangon
as a medical officer treating AIDS patients.
- Soe Min (Rakhine) has changed his career back to civilian side and now he is a
consultant psychiatrist in Thin-gun-gyun San-Pya Hospital.
- Kyaw Lin has come back from Malaysia and in Yangon now.
- Saw Win Aung has got a baby boy (his second) on 19 October 2007. He has also been recruited as the Programme Manager (HIV/AIDS) for the Save the Children
(one of the largest NGOs in Myanmar).
- Myo Zin Nyunt has settled in Dar Es Salaam with UNICEF Tanzania as the HIV AIDS Coordinator there.
- Tun Myint Latt has moved to Rixensart, Belgium with GlaxoSmithKline as Senior Manager.
- Tin Tin Win Shwe - the post-doctoral fellow in Japan.
- San San Oo - the pediatrician in UK.
- Nay Win Maung, with the support of some western donors, established a firm providing trainings on economics, development, and negotiations in Yangon.
He also writes some articles in his Voice journal.
He has now become one of only few Burmese Yale-educated economists.
Best regards,
Sid Naing